Tuesday 28 February 2012

Under the Sea/ Mood Board

This is my third mood board to inspire my styling for the oyster when shooting it, thinking of mood, colour and plants that I could use to inform my oyster fashion story.

I feel that all my mood boards up to now have been successful and have really inspired me to research further and find more ideas to inform my narrative. I feel it is all really coming together now and I am starting to feel a mood and a story.

Blue Ice/ Mood Board

This is my second mood board where i have found inspriation from Ice and Icy tones.

Pastelle Smoke/ Mood Board

Here is my first Mood board showing my art direction and colour palettes.
I am using smoke to evoke my fashion still life story and this board is showing my colour inspirations.

Oysters and Smoke

Photographer Unknown, Found in a newpaper article.

I love this image also to inform my narrative and story idea, I was thinking of doing an image with closed oysters with this smoke idea to create the ghostly feel I was going for.

Nicolas Menu- Still life/Oysters

When looking into oysters from my fashion referencing and art direction, I found this interesting Photographer called Nicolas Menu. It looks like he has used oysters in water and incorperated jewelery into the image, I think this is really affective!
I love the colour direction and the hole overall image.

This is going to be my main direction as I feel the colour, mood and look goes back to all of my images and earlier research.

Monday 27 February 2012


I found this image on WGSN and was drawn in by the colours as they are perfect for my hole direction and mood, then after looking at it a while I thought it looked like an oyster! Then i have started to think about using oysters in some way, maybe painting them or spray painting them in these colours and using this image as my main inspiration.
Image from WGSN, Love the ghostly feel with the whispey material. 

A trend and theme off WGSN that create a mood, the pastille colours and again this ghostly and misty feel.

LOVE this, the mist and the gloomy feel is perfect, this is the sort of feel and mood i want to create.


These images are my own photography, they were taken for a trend board in the first year, I have chosen to look at them now for there colours and technique, I love the dried paint on the skint and the eye make-up.

Colour Direction

Mood board from WGSN, inspirational colours and themes, Love the hair clips top right.

Inspirational mood board from WGSN, Love colours in image in bottom right, the pailness and dark feel.

WGSN image, love the white skin and pinky tones.

WGSN image.

WGSN image. Fashion image to left, love pail tones and pastel colour.

Love cold icy blue image of model. 

All these Moodboards have inspired me and give me a good colour direction. I feel its all about the texture and colour, its about the hole theme and tone.

Tuesday 21 February 2012


Overall now I feel I have a good ethos of research and enough to get some really good ideas, I feel I have explored still life within food and done some good artist research. I feel I now have to research into fashion references and colour direction, which is the next stage to me research. I also need to now start to research into the fashion shows and research all designers in which I feel appropriate for my narrative and fashion story.


When looking through my images, the whites, blues and pinks  and this ghostly look which come across on some of my photography, I am finding really exciting.
The first image inspires me as I think the way the pinks and whites meets and makes the blue is beautiful, I love the image to the right not only for the white and blues but also the clouds makes me think of airy and ghostly.
Both images own Photography, France Alpe d'Heuz

Then I started to think about icicles and snow,  I found this beautiful image online by an unknown photographer.

 Yoho National Park, Canada.

This hoel concept of snow and icicles just inspires me for colour direction for my shoot, maybe spray painting Fruit and veg this icy blue with a hint of this blossom pink.

Monday 20 February 2012

Anita Calero- Photographer

Anita photographs everything, food, fashion, floral or cosmetics, her photography is always beautifully executed. From her color choices to her lighting and composition, I find her photographs really inspiring....

She had so many images, beautiful images, i chose a few images of food to inform my research and ideas.

Love the lighting and brightness of this image, its also quite vintage looking.

This is image is one of my favourites of Anitas work, I feel it connects with my ideas, thinking of love, france, affection and kissing. 

Carl Kleiner- Photographer

Carl Kleiner is a still life photography are superbly creative, even if its fashion, food or advertising Carl has an impressive imagination.

I found this work very simple but effective and will help me with my shoot, as it shows good lighting, compostition and layout and shows a great way of useing food, also the images have a sort of humour about them.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Tuesdays Tutorial

Our first tutorial after the classes trip to London and my trip to Alpe d'Huez was very successful I feel, Everybody had some great photos and was interesting to listen to what experiences everyone had had compared to mine.

From the tutorial I feel I have a good starting point now to further my research, we talked about looking at doing something with heads (famous heads, or regular peoples heads) from the igloo Exhibition based on 'famous people'. 

Famous People Exhibition

Also we spoke about an interesting image I took whilst in France which is quite a beautiful image.

View from balcony .

I thought it would be interesting to maybe shoot my still life throw something such as a heart. Also in France the feel I got from there and in the mountains is affection and love, they are all very friendly and from my dinning experience where we ate, everyone was french and everywhere you look they are doing the double cheek kiss which i find amazing! The affection and love of France inspires me. So after tutorials I am thinking something to do with hearts, shooting through something, kisses and heads, a good start to get going with my research. 

Also my earlier research on Painter, Sculptors,Illustrators and Photographers has given me inspiration, the very famous artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo who is a painter, paints food like fruits and vegetables and makes them into abstract faces, I thought i could bring the Exhibition research and this artist research together and maybe create something along these lines. 

Giuseppe Arcimboldo

Also when in France i noticed the beautiful Carpentry, the joinery and work that goes into the buildings are phi nominal. I am going to research into French Carpentry and Joinery.

Monday 13 February 2012

French Salads

Trip to Alpe d'Huez

I took a snowboarding trip to France to explore the priest of Alpe d'Huez, Its a little village in the Alpes and hour and a half from Grenoble. Most of the time we was skiing and snowboarding, however i manage to take some pictures of surroundings, food and experiences.