Monday 30 January 2012

Hennie Howarth- Illustrator

Claes Oldenburg- Sculpturer

This sculptor Claes Oldenburg takes everyday ordinary objects and create large scale items and places them in public places to create interesting and exciting Art. 

Wayne Thiebaud- Illustrator

I found this illustrator of food and find him very inspiring, his work is very sketch like and the colours are very pastelle like.

Giuseppe Arcimboldo- Painter

Giuseppe Arcimboldo (also spelled Arcimboldi) (1527 – July 11, 1593) was an Italian painter best known for creating imaginative portrait heads made entirely of such objects as fruits, vegetables, flowers, fish, and books – that is, he painted representations of these objects on the canvas arranged in such a way that the whole collection of objects formed a recognizable likeness of the  portrait subject

Akiko Ida and Pierre Javelle- Photographers

Another find that I really  like, really creative and different way to create landscape and an interesting way to include food.

Carl Warner- Photographer

Carl Warner creates sets with food to make landscapes, i found him  whilst researching food and art.

The ‘Foodscapes’ are created in Carl’s London studio where they are built on top of a large purpose built triangular table top. The scenes are photographed in layers from foreground to background and sky as the process is very time consuming and so the food quickly wilts under the lights. Each element is then put together in post production to achieve the final image.
“ Although I’m very hands on with my work, I do use model makers and food stylists to help me create the sets. I tend to start with a drawing which I sketch out in order to get the composition worked out, this acts as a blue print for the team to work to.” 
Once the drawing is agreed upon, Carl then works out what each part of the scene will be made from, and working with his food stylist they together determine the best ingredients to work with in order to achieve his aims.
 “I tend to draw a very conventional landscape using classic compositional techniques as I need to fool the viewer into thinking it is a real scene at first glance, it is the realisation that the scene is in fact made of food that brings a smile that brings a smile to the viewer, and for me that’s the best part”

Having worked for many years as a photographer bringing ideas to life for advertising agencies Carl became very experienced in lighting, and especially the recreation of natural looking light using a combination of tungsten and flash lighting equipment

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Briefing - Tuesday

Still life Jigsaw Brief-
Create an inspiring 4-5 page still life Fashion editorial for a magazine of my choice.

Shoot based around 2 main components, Food research, chosen sourced accessories and trends and stories from F/W 2012 or S/S 2012.  Food research starts in France Alpe 'd huez, where i will record (film, verbally, photography) and make diary entries of my findings on this blog. 

Alongside this i must source a Jigsaw to use as part of my final still life editorial idea.

I am going to start by looking at Artist, museums, exhibitions, sculptures and illustration in general and also looking at food inspiration.